
Welcome to Sound Off
Where anything goes, have you been wanting to curse out your boss, a friend, family members? maybe you really fantasize all day about kicking the dam dog!!
Whatever it is don't hold onto it....Breath......Breath again then POW
Sound off!!!!!

So many questions, very few answers

People are always concerned with questions of the heart.
Seems everyone either wants a relationship
Coming out of a relationship
Or the one we dread the most.........Stuck in a relationship.
Be it dating, engaged, married, Boyfriend/Girlfriend,Divorced,Gay, confusion confusion to the Max!
So instead of listening to all the jibber jabber of well....should I say it? Bullshit; why not get straight to the point facts and reason
We need the truth.
As much as that may hurt at times or be just plain old hard to swallow, my motto

"If you don't want grown up answers don't ask grown up questions"

Mind soothers

  • A hardy laugh
  • Comforting conversation
  • Soft tunes (R&B, Jazz,)
  • Good reading materials
  • Hot candle lit baths

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bitch, Moan and Complain

Hello to all

Ever notice how some folks just complain about every little thing? are you by chance one of those people?
Man get a life, our time here is too short and unpredictable I might add, to constantly bitch, moan, and complain about the small stuff; Hell some of the big stuff could go with out the fuss as well, every day that you wake up is an opportunity to refresh, and basically start over; yesterday is just that yesterday, tomorrow ya might not get too; so actually we have one shot TODAY.
Right now right where you are at this very moment how it turns out is up to you, what you get from it is determined by how open minded your willing to be and what your willing to accept.
It's said the older we become the more resistant we are to change.................how the hell old are you?

This is Blue sounding off
have a good one

Friday, January 15, 2010


Well hey there thanks for stopping by, not much here yet but, working on it.
I like to talk and love to write so trying to mix the two; may just decide to use this as my on line journal, (wouldn't share it then). But folks need to just voice off sometimes, not always for an opinion sometimes we just need to let off some "steam" And I'm trying to make it happen here.
If you need to that go for it, if you don't want me to know who you are I respect that create an alias (fake name) to use while here and let her rip.
I'll check back in later....until then have a good one, and remember it does you no good to keep all that crap bottled up inside

What's on your mind?

Good morning to all

As you start your day out try not to get consumed by the annoyance's of the day.
Yeah yeah I know it's easier said than done but hey don't look for ways to piss yourself off!
what ever happened last night let it go you can't take the man/woman to work with you so relax take some deep breaths and don't be in my lane on the road if your really that upset.
Coffee break give me a blog
Lunch time tell me what's happening in your day
or my favorite just slacken all day avoiding the boss, and that special project-toss me some ideas you'd be surprised where someone Else's creativity lies.
have a super morning